Black Unemployment Rate For April Nearly 90% Higher Than National Average
“Black Unemployment Rate For April Nearly 90% Higher Than National Average”
“Black Unemployment Rate For April Nearly 90% Higher Than National Average”
“Rio Vista Cop Slams Woman During Traffic Stop In Viral Video”
“New Sandra Bland Cell Phone Footage Reveals DPS Trooper Lied About Everything”
“Texas Cop Racial Profiles & Assaults Black Man W/ Dreads “
“Facebook Bans Minister Louis Farrakhan”
“American Apartheid”
“John William King Given Lethal Injection In James Byrd Jr Dragging Case”
“White Adolescents Stops Raging Cop Before He Brutalized Black Friend”
“Criminal Shot After Breaking Into Family Home;Caught Undressed In Daughter’s Room”
Colonizer Wants Howard University To Move So His Dog Can Defecate There”
“11 Yr Old Boy Slammed On Concrete Charged With Assault For Walking Away From Sheriff’s Deputy”
“Tyrique Hudson Killed By Crazed Neighbor After Judge Denies His Order Of Protection”
“Fmr NFL Player Ben Watson Lead Effort To Rebuild 3 Black Churches;Norte Dame Cathedral Burns”
“Brandon Lecroy Sentenced To 10 Yrs In Prison For Attempting To Hire KKK To Kill Black Neighbor”
“Yarima & Brotha John -Nipsey Hussle, Julian Assange and The Globalists Agenda”
“Inglewood Stadium Deal Has Caused Removal Of Black Families In Rapid Pace”
“Holden Matthews Arrested For Torching 3 Historic Black Churches”
“3 African-American Churches Burned Down In 10 Days”
“Zimbabwe Citizens Are Upset The Government Spent $155K For 100% Blonde Horse Hair Wigs For Judges”
“Elephant Kill Poacher In South Africa;Eaten By A Pride Of Lions”