Black Magik & Cambatta Ft. Red and Blue Pillar – Breathless (Music Visualizer)

Black Magik & Cambatta Ft. Red and Blue Pillar – Breathless (Music Visualizer)



“Unbelievable, I’m achieving the unachievable. I’m conceiving the unconceivable. All the demons! Like some who speak hebrew. We play peak a boo. Unpredictable, unexplainable, unexplicable, undefinable, undescriptable, underrated, unequivocal, unforgivable. Feeling like I become invisible, underground like the muddy minerals. Industry is so fucking pitiful, only signing the thugs and criminals. Honestly I would love to kill a few. Treat a rat like a bloody crip would do. ** *** school I will punch the principle. Treat the system like what would Hitler do?”

Other Similar Directories/Tags: Black Magik & Music

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