Red Pill – Minister Louis Farrakhan, Brother Ben X, Nation Of Islam, Propaganda And More

“Red Pill – Minister Louis Farrakhan, Brother Ben X, Nation Of Islam, Propaganda And More”

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I love to hear Red Pill speak the truth! Especially about Brother Ben X!

“Keep doing what your doing! Stand on those pillars of truth! It doesn’t matter if somebody may be testing it. How do you measure your strength, if not for your test! You survived your test! The way I see it! Everything that has been thrown at y’all, ya’ll have been able to lift it off of you, maintain your strength and get stronger. The true strength is going to be when all these schools of thought and knowledge unify! and I truly believe it’s in the hands of the youth, that are going to do that. No offense to any of the elders. They represent a certain mission, they carried it to a certain place. Now its up to us!(to do what?) to form voltron! and take our rightful seats in the thrones of power!”

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